How to Stay Motivated During UPSC Preparation?

UPSC Preparation

UPSC is one of the toughest examinations of the country. It demands sheer determination and relentless hardwork to achieve success. November is at doorstep and we are sure, all the aspirants must be upbeat to stand up to the challenges of UPSC. This is a great state of mind to be in. Bu there are also certain days where one feels like he/she is going nowhere with your UPSC preparation. He/she is not ready to face the exam pressure!! This is quite normal, that shows you are a serious aspirant. As UPSC is a year long process of exam and more than that in preparation times so, it becomes all the more important that you keep yourself motivated all throughout the preparation.

The UPSC CSE is basically a very challenging exam. Every year, only a little over 50% of the aspirants, who fill up the forms, turn up on the exam dates and the percentage that make up to the final list is even lesser. UPSC can be successfully cleared only by those candidates who is able to handle his emotions, manage the exam pressure and can sustain his/her motivation levels till the very end. Here, have a look at some of the ways to keep you motivated all throughout your UPSC journey:

  1. Always Remember why you choose this career at the first place:
    Whenever you feel down, ask yourself this one question, why did you choose to become a Civil Servant? The answer will be your biggest motivation going forward. Whether you want to serve the society, do your part for the country, bring positive changes in the governmental setup, whatever it may be just set this in mind that all this can be achieved only if you clear the exam. And you have to study hard for it. Target set; get back to the grind again.
  1. Keep a tab on your Progress, Reward Yourself:
    Keeps a regularly updated record in hand containing what all you have studied and what are your further targets. In times of stress, this will come in handy to get a ‘feel good factor’. It will be like a mirror to what all you have achieved till now and boost you up to complete further.
  1. Motivate Yourself:
    You have chosen to carry on this journey. You are the one who needs to do the hardwork. No one else is going to do this for you. Some unknown quotes say, “Great things never come from comfort zones”. Dump away all the negative thoughts from your mind and just focus on the target in your hand. Rest will follow.
  1. Stay away from Cynics:
    There is a universal truth that we have to stay in a harmony in a society. The society will include both good and bad human. Some will encourage you to achieve the coveted things; some will just want you to tear down. Stay away from such cynics. A positive mindset is very important for success. You know what you are doing. Just believe in yourself and carry on.
  1. Have Your ‘Me’ Time often:
    Everyday along with your study hours, make it a point to spend some time with yourself i.e. in isolation. Analyze your days work; look for those Chinks in Your Armory which is pegging you back, set further goals. Tell yourself, you are going to make it. This is going to work wonders and will seldom offer you a chance to break down.
  1. Face the hurdles, as it comes:
    UPSC is filled with ‘uncertainties’. Be mentally prepared to tackle all the obstacles as it comes. Many a times you will be stuck with some or the other obstacle, but that’s not the end of the road. Getting over it, is what defines ‘Success’. Be grateful for your blessings, be humble and success is bound to be yours.

UPSC is a year long process. Negativity is sure to creep in at some of point. The need of the hour will be staying true to you and keep nudging on. Have confidence, have patience and we don’t see any other reason which can fail you in your attempts. Just don’t leave anything to fate, you are presented with this opportunity to work hard and do something good for the society at large, make it count, make it happen…!!!!!

Again another unknown quote reads, “Dreams are for free, just its hustle is sold separately”. Keeping moving, Success is awaiting you at the end of the tunnel.

All the very best for you hustle.

Always…Think Positive and Stay Healthy…!!!!

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