7 Best Hacks to crack UPSC CSE Prelims 2023

7 Best Hacks to crack UPSC

Cracking the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 is no easy feat. With the right guidance and preparation, however, it is indeed possible. To help you out with your preparation, we present to you the 7 best hacks to crack the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023. From taking a good test series to joining the best IAS Coaching Institute in Delhi, these hacks are sure to help you secure a place in the selection list this year. So get ready to up your game and ace this exam!

Getting your hands on the right kind of preparation material is the first step to cracking UPSC CSE Prelims 2023. And joining a good test series can help you do just that.

Prepare for UPSC CSE Prelims 2023

Cracking the UPSC Civil Services Examination can be a daunting task. Not only is it incredibly competitive, but it also requires thorough preparation and hard work. Now, with the 2023 UPSC CSE Prelims approaching soon, aspirants must get ready for the big day.

To make sure that you ace this exam, here are 7 best hacks to help you prepare for the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023. These tips will provide insight into how to manage your time effectively and improve your performance in this prestigious examination. Get ready to utilize these strategies and maximize your chances of success!

 Hack #1: Make a Study Plan

Cracking the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 is no easy task. With the competition being so tough, it’s important to be strategic in your preparation. One of the best hacks for success is to create a study plan. A study plan helps you break down your exams into achievable goals and gives you an overview of what needs to be done.

When making a study plan, make sure that it is realistic and achievable for your particular situation. Take into account how much time you have available, what topics are most important to focus on and how many hours per week you can dedicate towards studying. Your study plan should also include short-term goals that will help keep you motivated throughout the process. Additionally, don’t forget to give yourself some breaks when necessary as this will help keep your mind sharp and focused during crucial times of preps!

 Hack #2: Develop a Time Management System

Time management is essential for success in the UPSC CSE Prelims and having a plan will help make your revision period stress-free and organized. A strong time management system allows you to use your hours efficiently, ensuring that no time is wasted on tasks that won’t directly contribute towards success in the exams.

First, break down your goals into manageable chunks and assign specific tasks to each day of the week. This makes sure that all topics are given adequate attention and also provides structure to your revision period. Additionally, it’s important to remember to take regular breaks throughout the day apart from your classes at the best UPSC Coaching Centre in Delhi as this helps in increasing productivity and avoiding burnout due to overworking.

Hack #3: Focus on NCERT Books

The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a rigorous, competitive exam that requires candidates to be well-prepared in a variety of subjects. To crack the CSE Prelims 2023, it is important to focus on the right resources. One of the most effective ways to prepare for CSE Prelims 2023 is by focusing on NCERT Books.

NCERT books are prepared to keep in mind the syllabus for various competitive examinations and provide comprehensive coverage of all topics included in them. Additionally, they serve as an ideal reference book for further study and understanding of concepts related to each subject. It also offers worked-out examples and solved problems which help examinees understand complex concepts more easily.

Hack #4: Know Your Weaknesses

If you’re looking to crack this exam, it is essential to recognize your weaknesses and craft an effective study plan accordingly. Hack 4 of our 7 best tips for the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023 encourage students to identify their areas of weakness and devise a strategy to overcome them. Doing so will enable you to focus on what matters most and ultimately help you succeed in the exam.

By assessing your strengths and weaknesses, you can decide where time should be invested during preparations. For example, if math is one area where you find yourself lagging behind, then allocating more hours towards that subject would benefit you greatly in the long run.

Hack #5: Practice Mock Tests

Hack 5 focuses on practicing mock tests. Practicing mock tests of the best Civil Services Coaching Centres in Delhi helps build confidence and familiarize with the paper pattern. It also enables one to identify their weak points so they can focus on improving them. Doing mock tests regularly will help in time management as well, by giving an idea of how much time should be allotted to each question according to its difficulty level. Furthermore, it will provide exposure to different types of questions that might come in the actual exam. Moreover, solving previous year papers is also a great way to practice as it gives an insight into the type of questions asked in past exams.

Hack #6: Take Breaks while Studying

Cracking the UPSC CSE Prelims of 2023 requires diligent and consistent studying, but it’s just as important to take breaks periodically throughout your study sessions. Taking breaks can help you maintain focus and reduce stress levels. This article will provide you with six great hacks on how to effectively take breaks while preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims 2023.

Firstly, plan ahead which topics you want to cover in each study session so that it is easier to track progress. Secondly, make sure that the break duration isn’t too long so that it doesn’t affect your momentum. Take short 10-15 minute breaks every 1-2 hours or after completing a particular topic or chapter. You can use these short breaks for activities like stretching, listening to music, and going for a walk or even just having a snack if you like – whatever works best for you!

Hack #7: Stay Positive and Motivated

Stay Positive and Motivated is one such hack that will help you stay focused and keep your spirits up during this long journey.

A positive mindset is key in achieving any goal, especially when it comes to such an important exam like UPSC CSE Prelims 2023. Reminding yourself of your goals and staying motivated is essential for reaching the finish line. Staying positive will also help you cultivate better study habits, keep your spirits high, and maintain focus throughout the preparation period.

Start by maintaining a journal of all your accomplishments so far as well as listing out your goals for each day.

In conclusion, there is no single method to guarantee success in the UPSC CSE Prelims 2023. However, by utilizing the seven best hacks we have discussed in this article, you can significantly improve your chances of success. From studying smart to taking care of your mental and physical health, these strategies will give you an edge over other candidates. With hard work, dedication and perseverance, you can achieve your dream of becoming a civil servant and making a difference in India.